
Anyone else ever feel like the day is winding down, only to look at the clock and discover it’s only 3 p.m.? You know what I mean by the dreaded afternoon slump—that inevitable drop in energy that makes it impossible to get any more productive work done. It’s pretty much a daily occurrence for me, and I have to admit it—I’m getting tired of feeling tired.

I treat my morning coffee routine like a ritual. And while the caffeine boost is nice first thing, I’m wary of drinking it past noon (I’ll do anything in the name of a good night’s sleep.) So what’s a girl to do—have an ice bucket at the ready to dump on my head every time my energy wanes?

The day I started researching the afternoon slump phenomenon, this reel about eating to fuel your energy popped up on my feed. Immediately, I reached out to Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Georgia Perkins for her advice. After all, it was her account that encouraged me to set a curfew for coffee in the first place. From understanding our hormones and the effects of our diets to energy-boosting snack recommendations, we’re breaking down how to boost your energy and beat the afternoon slump once and for all. Tips, tricks, and treats await.

P.S. If you don’t follow Goodness with G on Instagram, you’re missing out on helpful health information presented in holistic and humorous ways. I’m always looking for accounts with content that inspires me to drink more water, move my body, and take care of myself. 

